ICGC Love Temple
Emmanuel Anum Laate, Resident Pastor of International Central Gospel Church – Edmonton (Love Temple) is an agricultural economist and a tent-minister of the gospel. He has a warm and an engaging personality and a strong passion toward Prayer, Missions, Counseling, and Discipleship. He also has his eyes on the rejected and down-trodden and seeks to influence such people with the message of God’s love and power so they can run their race of life and win. He believes that the kingdom of God must come first and that Christians everywhere must arise and respond to the call of God upon their lives.
Emmanuel has served in various capacities of church leadership. He served as the Leader in Charge of two assemblies of the International Central Gospel Church in Accra, Ghana (Dodowa and Kpone respectively). In August 2003, Emmanuel left Ghana for Edmonton with a full scholarship to pursue a M.Sc. degree in Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Alberta. His life demonstrates the fact that God is a rewarder of those who diligently serve Him.
Pastor Laate responded to the call of God to start ICGC Love Temple on January 7, 2007 and since then he has continued to serve as the residence pastor combining ministry with his secular work. He currently work as a Senior Crop Economist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development.