SPIRITUAL EMPHASIS MONTH – Week 1 (July 2nd – 5th, 2015)

From the Shepherd……….

Every year, the International Central Gospel Church as a corporate body, observes July as its ‘Spiritual Emphasis Month’. During this period, members of the church all over the world FAST, PRAY and SEEK the FACE OF GOD concerning His will and purpose for their lives.

Spiritual Emphasis Month is a time of Renewal, Transformation and Empowerment for GREATER WORKS. Jesus said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do the same shall he also do, and GREATER WORKS than these shall he do, because I am going to be with the Father.”  (John 14:12)

As a local assembly, I would like us to FAST, PRAY and SEEK the FACE OF GOD from Thursday July 2, 2015 to Friday July 31, 2015. Take advantage of this season of waiting and ask God to perfect all that concerns your life and make you a better person.

For details, please see the 2015 Spiritual Emphasis Week 1 Program


  1. I like to be notified of the daily prayer points for the spiritual emphasis season

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